HTTP Response

Sends responses back to requests received from an HTTP Input node.


  • payload (string) : The body of the response.

  • statusCode (number) : If set, this is used as the response status code. Default: 200.

  • headers (object) : If set, provides HTTP headers to include in the response. cookiesobject If set, can be used to set or delete cookies.


No outputs, this is a final node.

Details :

The statusCode and headers can also be set within the node itself. If a property is set within the node, it cannot be overridden by the corresponding message property.

Cookie handling

The cookies property must be an object of name/value pairs. The value can be either a string to set the value of the cookie with default options, or it can be an object of options.

The following example sets two cookies - one called name with a value of nick, the other called session with a value of 1234 and an expiry set to 15 minutes.

msg.cookies = {
    name: 'nick',
    session: {
        value: '1234',
        maxAge: 900000

The valid options include:

  • domain - (String) domain name for the cookie

  • expires - (Date) expiry date in GMT. If not specified or set to 0, creates a session cookie

  • maxAge - (String) expiry date as relative to the current time in milliseconds

  • path - (String) path for the cookie. Defaults to /

  • value - (String) the value to use for the cookie

To delete a cookie, set its value to null.


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