Bot Scheduler
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The Bot Scheduler node can be used to trigger workflows at repeated intervals. CRON expressions are enabled for more granular control.
To aid rapid development of workflows, the schedules are not auto-started by default upon deployment. To start/stop a schedule, tick the 'Autostart' button, or control it via the Play/Pause button on the list of Tasks on the Home screen.
Output property
The msg.
property to send the payload to. Typically this would be payload.
Timezone (optional)
A timezone to use. Leave blank for system timezone. Alternatively, enter UTC or a timezone in the format of Region/Area (list) TIP: Timezone should be perceived from your own perspective. See the Understanding Timezone example below.
1 output: All messages to output 1 (schedules + command responses)
2 outputs: Schedule messages to output 1, command responses to output 2
Fan out: Separate outputs for static, dynamic and command messages
Persist dynamic schedules
Enabling this option causes dynamic schedules to be saved to file and re-loaded when the bot-scheduler node is loaded or re-deployed. NOTES...
Any time an update to any dynamic schedule occurs, all dynamic schedules are saved to file
The schedules are saved in a directory called botschedulerdata
under your node-red folder
A table of schedules. Entries here are considered static and will be reloaded when node-red starts or the bot-scheduler node is (re)deployed.
Schedules - Name
The name is used to identify the schedule. Dynamic adjustments to an individual schedule will need to specify this name.
Schedules - Topic
The topic will be sent in msg.topic
when the schedule triggers. This is to permit the flow to act on the triggered schedule.
Schedules - Payload
The value to send in the payload when the schedule triggers. (NOTE: the property that the payload gets written to is determined by "Output property").
Schedules - Type
The type determines what type of schedule. Options are cron
, dates sequence
or solar events
Schedules - Expression
NOTE: Only displayed when the type is set to cron or date sequence A CRON expression, a date, a comma separated list of dates or an array of dates
Date or Date Sequence Format : When you wish to use a fixed date or sequence of dates, the expression can be a string date, comma separated list of dates, an array of dates (The array can contain a mix of string, date objects and timestamps). When specifying a string date, you can use timezone e.g. "2020-01-01 00:00 GMT+2". You can even mix time zones e.g. "2020-01-01 00:00 GMT+2, 2020-01-01 00:00 GMT-7"
CRON Format...
Asterisks indicate that the cron expression matches for all values of the field. For example, "*" in the minute field means every minute
Question marks are used to specify 'no specific value' and is allowed for the day-of-month and day-of-week fields. It is used instead of the asterisk (*) for leaving either day-of-month or day-of-week blank.
Hyphens are used to define ranges. For example, "10-12" in the hour field means the hours of 10, 11, and 12.
Commas are used to separate items of a list. For example, "MON,WED,FRI" in the day-of-week field means the days Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Forward slash are used to indicate increments. For example. "0/15" in the seconds field means the seconds 0, 15, 30, and 45. Additionally, "1/3" in the day-of-month field means every 3 days starting on the first day of the month.
Short-hand for "last" and is allowed for the day-of-month and day-of-week fields. The "L" character has a different meaning in each of the two fields. For example, "L" in the day-of-month field means the last day of the month. If used in the day-of-week field, it means 7 or SAT. However, if used in the day-of-week field after another value, it means the last xxx day of the month. For example, "6L" in the day-of-week field means the last Friday of the month
Short-hand for "weekday" and is allowed for the day-of-month field. The "W" character is used to specify the weekday nearest the given day. For example, "15W" in the day-of-month field means the nearest weekday to the 15th of the month. Therefore, if the 15th is a Saturday, the job runs on Friday the 14th. The "L" and "W" characters can be combined in the day-of-month field. For example, "LW" means the last weekday of the month.
Hash marks specify constructs. For example, "6#3' in the day-of-week field means the third Friday of the month.
* * * * * *
Every Second
0 * * * * *
Every minute
0 */10 * * * *
Every 10 minutes
0 */20 1 * * *
Every 20 minutes, between 01:00 AM and 01:59 AM
0 15,30,45 * * * *
At 15, 30, and 45 minutes past the hour
0 0 12 * * *
Every day at noon - 12pm
0 0 2 29 FEB * 2020/4
At 02:00 AM, on day 29 of February (leap years)
0 0 7 * * MON#1 *
At 07:00 AM, on the first Monday of the month
0 0 12 * JAN,FEB,MAR,APR *
Every day at noon in January, February, March and April
* * 1W * *
Every minute, on the first weekday of the month
* * * * Tue#3
Every minute, on the third Tuesday of the month
0 12 * * MONL
At 12:00 PM, on the last Monday of the month
See here for more examples and info
Schedules - Solar Events
NOTE: Only displayed when the type is set to solar events The Solar Events field permits you to chose which solar events you want a schedule to fire upon. Solar Events...
night end / astronomical dawn
night ends, astronomical twilight starts (-18°)
nautical dawn
astronomical twilight ends, nautical twilight starts (-12°)
civil dawn / golden hour
nautical twilight ends, civil twilight and golden hour starts (-6°)
top edge of the sun appears on the horizon (-0.833°)
sunrise end
bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon (-0.3°)
morning golden hour ends
when the sun is 6 degrees above the horizon (6°)
solar noon
sun is at its highest position
evening golden hour start
when the sun is 6 degrees above the horizon (6°)
sunset start
bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon (-0.3°)
civil twilight starts, sun disappears below the horizon (-0.833°)
civil dusk / golden hour end
civil twilight and golden hour ends, nautical twilight starts (-6°)
nautical dusk
nautical twilight ends, astronomical twilight starts (-12°)
astronomical dusk / night start
astronomical twilight ends, night starts (-18°)
solar midnight
when the sun is closest to nadir and the night is equidistant from dusk and dawn
Schedules - Location
NOTE: Only displayed when the type is set to solar events The location field is expected to contain longitude and latitude coordinates for the calculation of solar events. Accepted formats...
Decimal Degrees E.g: 54.9992500,-1.4170300
or 54.9992500° N 1.4170300° W
Degrees Minutes Seconds E.g: 54° 59' 57.3'' N 1° 25' 1.308'' W
Decimal Minutes E.g: 54° 59.955' , -1° 25.0218'
GPS E.g: N54°59'57.3, W1°25'1.308"
, 54°59'57.3"N, 1°25'1.308"W
, 54d 59' 57" N 1d 25' 1" W
or 54:59:57.3N 1:25:1.308W
Schedules - Offset
NOTE: Only displayed when the type is set to solar events The offset field can be used to add a positive or negative offset in minutes to the sunrise or sunset time.
payload (see 'Output property') number|string|boolean|object|buffermsg[Output property] will contain whatever is configured in 'payload'e.g. if 'Output property' is set to data.value then
will contain the value of the payload. msg.topic will contain the name of the schedule. This simplifies separating out which schedule has triggeredAdditional properties are also added to the msg object. Check the debug output (use show complete msg)
`topic` (string) : Most of the commands can be provided in the topic with the name of schedule in the payload (where appropriate). Supported command topics...
This includes the -all
, -all-dynamic
, -all-static
, -active
, -active-dynamic
, -active-static
, -inactive
, -inactive-all-dynamic
and -inactive-static
command topics (e.g. export-all, stop-all-dynamic, start-all-static, remove-inactive-dynamic)
See commands below for details.payloadstring|object|ArrayIt is possible to dynamically add, remove and control schedules by injecting a payload into the node. The format of the payload object (or array of objects) depends on the operation. See below for details.
Adding one (or more) schedules Example...
Details... Adding a CRON expression
Multiple schedules can be added if the payload is an array of objects
command: (string|required) The operation to perform - in this case "add"
name: (string|required) This will identify schedule
topic: (string|required) This will be used as the topic when the schedule triggers
expression: (string|optional) A CRON expression, a date, a comma separated list of dates or an array of dates
expressionType: (string|optional) specify the schedule type. (if omitted, "cron" is the default)
payloadType: (string|optional) The payload type (e.g. 'default', 'flow', 'global', 'str', 'num', 'bool', 'json', 'bin', 'date' or 'env')
payload: (any|optional) What to send when schedule triggers
limit: (number|optional) Maximum number of times the schedule should trigger
Adding a date sequence
Multiple schedules can be added if the payload is an array of objects
command: (string|required) The operation to perform - in this case "add"
name: (string|required) This will identify schedule
topic: (string|required) This will be used as the topic when the schedule triggers
expression: (string|optional) A CRON expression, a date, a comma separated list of dates or an array of dates
expressionType: (string|required) specify the schedule type - in this case "dates"
payloadType: (string|optional) The payload type (e.g. 'default', 'flow', 'global', 'str', 'num', 'bool', 'json', 'bin', 'date' or 'env')
payload: (any|optional) What to send when schedule triggers
limit: (number|optional) Maximum number of times the schedule should trigger
Adding a solar event schedule
Multiple schedules can be added if the payload is an array of objects
command: (string|required) The operation to perform - in this case "add"
name: (string|required) This will identify schedule
topic: (string|required) This will be used as the topic when the schedule triggers
expressionType: (string|required) specify the schedule type. Set to "solar" for solar events
solarType: (string|required) specify the events to fire. Accepted values are "all" or "selected"
solarEvents: (string|optional) specify the events to fire. Only required when solarType == "selected". Accepted values are listed under Schedules - Solar Events see above
location: (string|required) longitude latitude, DNS, DMM or GPS coordinates for sunrise or sunset
offset: (number|optional) number of minutes to offset a sunrise or sunset
payloadType: (string|optional) The payload type (e.g. 'default', 'flow', 'global', 'str', 'num', 'bool', 'json', 'bin', 'date' or 'env')
payload: (any|optional) What to send when schedule triggers
limit: (number|optional) Maximum number of times the schedule should trigger
This option has no output.
Getting status of a schedule or removing / stopping / pausing / starting a schedule Topic Method...
Payload Method...
command (string|required) : The operation to perform - this can be one of the following...
name: (string|optional) The name of the schedule to affect (not required when using the -all, -active or -inactive filters)
fires schedule named in msg.payload
returns an object with the config and status of the named schedule
returns an object with the config of the named schedule
will stop and remove the schedule. This option has no output.
will stop the schedule specified by name
and reset its internal counter. This option has no output.
will stop the schedule specified by name
but will not reset its internal counter. This option has no output.
will (re)start all schedules. Any schedule that reached its limit will start from the beginning. Paused schedules will resume. This option has no output.
FILTER: adding -all
to any of these commands will operate on all schedules. e.g. status-all
will return the status of all schedules
FILTER: adding -all-dynamic
to any of these commands will only affect dynamic schedules e.g. remove-all-dynamic
will remove all dynamic schedules
FILTER: adding -all-static
to any of these commands will only affect static schedules e.g. stop-all-static
FILTER: adding -active
to status, export and remove commands will operate on all active schedules. e.g. status-active
FILTER: adding -active-static
to status, export and remove commands will operate on all static schedules that are active. e.g. status-active-static
FILTER: adding -active-dynamic
to status, export and remove commands will operate on all dynamic schedules that are active. e.g. status-active-dynamic
FILTER: adding -inactive
to status, export and remove commands will operate on all inactive schedules. e.g. status-inactive
FILTER: adding -inactive-static
to status, export and remove commands will operate on all static schedules that are inactive. e.g. status-inactive-static
FILTER: adding -inactive-dynamic
to status, export and remove commands will operate on all dynamic schedules that are inactive. e.g. status-inactive-dynamic
Examples... Example : Using a simple topic command to manually trigger a schedule named "schedule1"
Example : Using a simple topic command to export all dynamically added schedules...
Example : Using a simple topic command to delete a schedule named "schedule1"
Example : Using a cmd payload to pause all schedules...
Example : Using a simple topic command to delete all dynamic schedules that have finished
Describe Example : cmd payload to describe a cron expression...
Example : cmd payload to get all solar event times + solar state at this time...
Example : cmd payload to get 4 solar event times + solar for a specific point in time...
Details... Returns an object in payload containing human readable info for the given expression.
command: (string|required) The operation to perform
expression: (string|required) The expression to describe
timeZone: (string|optional) A timezone to use. Leave blank for system timezone. Alternatively, enter UTC or a timezone in the format of Region/Area (list)
Adding a schedule with the same name as an existing schedule will replace the existing one
Adding a schedule with property "limit":3
will cause that schedule to be stopped after the third trigger. It can be started again by injecting a payload of {"command":"start" "name": "schedule name"}
Static (UI added) schedules can be also be updated by using the name specified in the UI
When a bot-scheduler-plus node is modified and deployed (or node-red is restarted), dynamic entries are discarded and must be injected again
When a bot-scheduler-plus node outputs a msg in response to a command, msg.commandResponse
will be true
to indicate the message is in response to a command and not a scheduled event
When a bot-scheduler-plus node outputs a msg for a cron/solar event, msg.scheduledEvent
will be true
to indicate the message is due to a scheduled event and not a control response
The status indicator will be shown as a "ring" for dynamic schedules or shown as a "dot" for static schedules
if the payload is to "Default Payload", then the content of msg.botscheduler
is moved to msg.payload
every minute.