
Sets a property based on the provided template.


  • msg (object) : A msg object containing information to populate the template.

  • template (string) : A template to be populated from msg.payload. If not configured in the edit panel, this can be set as a property of msg.


  • msg (object) : a msg with a property set by populating the configured template with properties from the incoming msg.


By default this uses the mustache format, but this can be switched off if required.

For example, when a template of:

Hello {{payload.name}}. Today is {{date}}

receives a message containing:

  date: "Monday",
  payload: {
    name: "Fred"

The resulting property will be:

Hello Fred. Today is Monday

It is possible to use a property from the flow context or global context. Just use {{flow.name}} or {{global.name}}, or for persistable store store use {{flow[store].name}} or {{global[store].name}}.

**Note: **By default, mustache will escape any non-alphanumeric or HTML entities in the values it substitutes. To prevent this, use {{{triple}}} braces.

Last updated